
Analytica posteriora greek
Analytica posteriora greek

analytica posteriora greek

4.4 The Objects of Mathematics and Syllogistic Reasoning. 4.3 Syllogistic Logic and the Principles of Demonstration. 4.2 Syllogism and Greek Mathematical Reasoning. 4.1 The Discrepancy between Aristotle's Theory and Scientific Practice. 3.4 The Cognitive Value of Syllogistic Reasoning. 3.2 Syllogism and Hypothetical Deduction. 3.1 The Modern Exegesis of the Theory of Syllogism. 2.6 Hypothetical Knowledge versus Knowledge Simpliciter. 2.4 Hypotheses and the Principle of the Excluded Middle. 2.3 The Problem of the Modal Status of Hypotheses. 1.6 Induction in the Posterior Analytics II 1.5 Induction in the Posterior Analytics I.1 and the Prior Analytics II

Analytica posteriora greek